RAP 16-Day Production

Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP)


  • RAP 16-day Herbaceous Production


  • RAP Herbaceous Production, version 3.0: This dataset consists of gridded estimates of herbaceous aboveground biomass, partitioned into vegetation types for annual forbs and grasses and perennial forbs and grasses. The estimates are produced at 30m spatial resolution from 1986-present and are provided annually (available through Climate Engine, as described here) and at 16-day intervals. Values are provided, initially, in terms of net primary productivity which are converted to pounds per acre of new growth of aboveground biomass. Estimates are calculated using a light-use efficiency model (to estimate net primary production in terms of carbon) which is then allocated to aboveground and belowground pools (based on mean annual temperature) and further converted to biomass using a carbon-to-dry matter ratio.

Organization: Maintained and produced by USDA Agricultural Research Service; initially developed by the University of Montana, Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group

Website: RAP Website

Google Earth Engine: 

Spatial resolution: 30-meter

Time Span: 

  • RAP Herbaceous Biomass: 1986 to present (updated every 16 days)


  • RAP Aboveground Production
      • Total production (sum of perennial herbaceous and annual herbaceous production)
      • Annual herbaceous production
      • Perennial herbaceous production

Terms of Use:

  • Public Domain-CC0


  • RAP Herbaceous Production
    • Jones, M.O., N.P. Robinson, D.E. Naugle, J.D. Maestas, M.C. Reeves, R.W. Lankston, and B.W. Allred. Annual and 16-day rangeland production estimates for the western United States. Rangeland Ecology and Management https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2021.04.003
    • Robinson, N. P., M. O. Jones, A. Moreno, T. A. Erickson, D. E. Naugle, and B. W.Allred. 2019. Rangeland productivity partitioned to sub-pixel plant functional types. Remote Sensing 11:1427. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs11121427

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