API Quota Limit Policy


The Climate Engine API is essentially a wrapper for Google Earth Engine (GEE) to simplify common tasks like exporting images and extracting timeseries data and is free for basic use thanks to the Desert Research Institute covering the costs for the GEE compute. However, for large numbers of requests or potentially expensive requests — such as exporting large raster images — we require users to use their own GEE account to run the Climate Engine API.

By default, a quota limit is applied to Climate Engine API accounts for export endpoints when accounts are issued. However, you can remove this quota by using your own GEE account, Google Cloud Project, and Google Cloud Service Account. For more information, read on.

When you exceed a quota limit, you will receive an informative error about which limit you have exceeded. The default quota limit is applied at the rate of:

  • 10 Earth Engine Compute Unit (EECU)* hours per month
  • 100 total requests/day
  • 1000 total requests/month
  • 100 exported images/day
  • 1e8 maximum pixels in the exported image**

*More information about EECU can be found here: https://cloud.google.com/earth-engine/pricing 

**For context, the maximum export extent for a Landsat-scale image (30 m resolution) is roughly 3,500 sq miles (9000 sq km), which is about the area of Yellowstone National Park; global images of 0.1 degree resolution climate data (ERA5 Land) or CONUS images of 4 km resolution climate data (GridMET, PRISM) can also be exported.

We're currently completing a Google App Verification process, which will enable users to remove the API quota limits by linking their Climate Engine account with their Google Earth Engine credentials. We hope to offer this functionality broadly soon — feel free to contact us in the meantime if you have questions.

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