
  • CFS Reanalysis

Description: NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis dataset

Organization: NOAA NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)

Website: CFSR Website

Google Earth Engine: 

Spatial resolution:

  • After 2011: 19.2-km grid (1/5-deg) 
  • Before 2011: 28.8-km grid (3/10-deg)

Time Span: 1979 to Present (updated every day)


  • Minimum/Maximum/Mean Temperature
  • Minimum/Maximum/Mean Specific Humidity
  • Precipitation
  • Wind Speed and Components
  • Latent/Sensible Heat
  • Downward/Upward Shortwave/Longwave and Net Radiation
  • Soil Moisture
  • Potential Evapotranspiration
  • Surface Geopotential Height

Terms of Use:

  • NOAA data, information, and products, regardless of the method of delivery, are not subject to copyright and carry no restrictions on their subsequent use by the public. Once obtained, they may be put to any lawful use. The forgoing data is in the public domain and is being provided without restriction on use and distribution. For more information visit the NWS disclaimer site.


  • There was a grid change in 1999(See article) which means that there is a discontinuity in the grid cells prior to 1999 and after 1999. This grid change can be seen as grid artifacts on maps in Climate Engine when you take an average over a year range that includes years from before 1999 and after 1999.

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