Description: The North American Drought Monitor (NADM) raster dataset is produced by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS). This dataset is a gridded version of the North American Drought Monitor (NADM) produced by Canadian, Mexican and US authors where for each 2.5-km gridcell, the value is given by the current NADM drought classification for that region is: 

  • NoData Value=-9999 = no drought or wet
  • 0 = abnormal dry
  • 1 = moderate drought
  • 2= severe drought
  • 3= extreme drought
  • 4= exceptional drought

Organization: NCEI-NIDIS

Spatial resolution: 2.5-km (0.025 deg)

Time Span: 2001-01-04 to Present (updated every 7 days)


  • NADM Drought Classification

Website: NADM Website

Google Earth Engine: 

Terms of Use:

  • This is a public dataset. As a condition of using these data, you are asked to cite the use of this data set.


  • Heim, Jr., R. R., 2002. A review of Twentieth-Century drought indices used in the United States. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83, 1149-1165.
  • Lawrimore, J., et al., 2002. Beginning a new era of drought monitoring across North America. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83, 1191-1192.
  • Lott, N., and T. Ross, 2000. NCDC Technical Report 2000-02, A Climatology of Recent Extreme Weather and Climate Events. [Asheville, N.C.]: National Climatic Data Center.
  • Svoboda, M., et al., 2002. The Drought Monitor. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83, 1181-1190.

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