
  • RDPS Dataset

Description: The Regional Deterministic Prediction System (RDPS) carries out physics calculations to arrive at deterministic predictions of atmospheric elements from the current day out to 48 hours into the future. The data for mean temperature covers North America and is provided by the Meterological Service of Canada (MSC), a part of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). The MSC provides weather forecasts and warnings 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. MSC also provides federal department, agencies and other levels of government with information to support emergency preparedness and response to events such as storms, floods, wildfires and other weather-related emergencies.

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada 

Website: RDPS Data Website

Earth Engine Community Catalog:

Spatial resolution: 10.0 km grid (1/11 deg)

Time Span: 2010 to Present (updated every day)


  • 2-m Mean Temperature

Terms of Use:

  • License information can be found here.


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